Monday, February 8, 2021

National Send a Card Day

 Instead of going to sleep after I wrote last night, I finished listening to The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah. There were many tears. In my opinion, the author does a wonderful job of bringing the reader into the story and keeping them there.

Happy things for today are:

  • I went on a short walk this morning. It was snowing. The deer have a place that they seem to always use through the property. They also tend to use my footprints, once they are there, to follow as well. Generally I try to not walk on their footprints. When they have been on my trail though, I don't carve a new one.
  • I've been doing a squat challenge with some friends online. Last week we did twenty a day and this week it is thirty. So far, so good!
  • Folke made a delicious quiche for dinner tonight. Tomorrow is my night to cook.
  • Every day is a fresh beginning. Today also included fresh snow!


These tracks are by the compost bin.
It doesn't look like whatever they belong to tried to get in.

Stay safe.

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