Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Shrove Tuesday

It is real.  Zed and I made a short video and it will hopefully be on YouTube soon.  The video is taking forever to upload.  This link may work?  Not sure, it may just go to an empty file (edited to what should be a working link).  We have a rough set of plans for how we will be downsizing, recording, and uploading videos to document our journey of letting things go during Lent.  Ideally the ones we post going forward will be edited.  Part of me wanted to wait until we got started and had progress.  Accountability has become an important part of my thinking and what better way to be accountable than to publicly post what we are doing.  Oddly enough, we used real names in the video and I use pseudonyms here... whatever.  I am very happy that this is something that I am moving forward on.  Other happy things for today:
  • My step count and 40 squats are done for the day.
  • This morning I purchased things for the garden.  We have decided to plant a bunch of flowers.  There will still be some vegetables. 
  • Pancakes for dinner!
Mardi Gras Pancakes.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Also reading: Quiet by Susan Cain.

On another note, TF is one of so many people that are out of power right now in a frozen Texas.  We spoke a little tonight and pipes are frozen and some burst, but she still has her sense of humor.  Sending warm thoughts to cold people.  


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