Thursday, February 11, 2021


 Thursday is the accountability check-in day with TF.  This week I am doing much better at reaching my goals than last week.  TF is struggling a little, but I believe she can her list done even with the set back of Texas having a deep freeze.  I must say that Texas and New Hampshire generally have a different perspective on what a deep freeze is.  This time though, the temperatures in Texas are expected to dip down into the single digits.  This is not something many in that state are prepared for.  It is still colder in New Hampshire and I am thankful the heat is working and there is fuel in the tanks.  Other things today that I am happy for:

  • A few times this week I have had the opportunity to watch videos on YouTube.  The first one that was suggested had to do with top selling cut flowers.  This has sent me watching different videos about farming whenever I have a few minutes.  I've learned about composting, growing flowers, and chickens.  Learning things is a good way to use my time.  Much better than the games I play on my phone!
  • My computer has been bogged down lately with no space.  I bit the bullet and bought an external hard drive today.  Tomorrow I will spend some time figuring out how to use it.  Hopefully I will be able to open the FitBit app after this.  
  • Grocery shopping tonight meant that I got to see a friend who works at the store.
  • Thursday is also the day that Zed and I try to go for a walk together.  The sidewalk was plowed but there is still enough snow and ice on there that we went to the mall instead.  Walking in the dark on slippery ground seemed a bad idea.  The mall was almost empty.  There were two couples walking and a few employees.  I'm not sure how it remains open.  Walking indoors is okay once in a while, but I miss outside when I stay inside too much.  This also leads to a general lack of pictures.  I tried to capture Orion when we got home, but it is mostly black.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.
        I'm learning specifics about growing some of the more common garden plants.
Also reading: Quiet by Susan Cain.
        This book has confirmed that I am an introvert. 😜

Stay safe.

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