Friday, February 5, 2021


 Last night I decided to make a list of things to do today.  I made it long, not expecting to finish it.  It is not complete but I got farther down the list than I expected.  Of the nineteen things on the list I checked off sixteen.  That said, the first thing on the list was wake up.  I included both little and big things.  Two things I didn't get to will be towards the top of tomorrow's list.  The last thing is Minecraft and I expect to be playing that soon.  Things that brought me happiness today:

  • One of my goals for this week was to get a walk of at least four miles.  This morning I did that.  Although I hope to be able to do this at least once a week going forward, it will not be a goal until the sidewalks are less slippery.  One of my Snowtrax broke and I am thankful that I didn't fall.
  • I'm also thankful that I have another pair of Snowtrax around here somewhere.  I'll put that on tomorrow's list.
  • Something that wasn't on the list that I did was to clean off my desk a bit.  I made room for my laptop so I can sit in a chair.  One of the nice parts of a laptop is it can go places with a person.  Using if mostly while sitting on my bed was not good for my back.  
  • It was a good day-so very much better than yesterday.
It wasn't too long after this that the snow started falling.
I still walked four more miles after this point.

Just interesting the way the snow separates from the wall.

Currently listening to:  The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah.
        (It is intense.)

Stay safe.

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