Thursday, February 11, 2021

Happy Teddy Day

 Sometimes titles are hard.  There always seems to be a holiday somewhere, so I did a quick search and found that today is Teddy Day.  It has to do with Teddy bears and Valentine's Day.  I don't seem to have a Teddy bear in my room, but I do have a Pooh bear...

... And a penguin, llama, Tigger and Eeyore.

Other things that helped me be happy today are:
  • Today I got outside for a walk (snowshoeing) before nine in the morning.  The sun shone on the fresh snow in sparkles.  There were fresh deer tracks and fresh coyote tracks.  Also some very cute little tracks that were most likely mice.
Sun rising over the garden.

Probably from a coyote.


Probably a mouse.
  • At one point along this walk I noticed a small tan plant above the snow that was wispy and light.  As I walked onto it I realized how photogenic it was.  Thankfully I found more.
Not the small plant...  VRR.

A similar small plant to the one I stepped on.
The plant is hardly visible,
it is all shadow and light.

  • I'm thankful that some of the seats from the bus were left out.  It made for the perfect place to put on and take off my snowshoes.
Before cleaning off the bus seat
there was plenty of snow and frost.

At the end of the walk I had a place to sit
 and help me to remove the snowshoes.
  • I'm still a learner when it comes to snowshoeing.  I am thankful and happy that the snow was soft today.  This meant that my knees landed on a frozen cushion instead of hard ground.
  • Rabbit tobacco is dinner or a snack for some animals.
  • I finished the pattern that I have been weaving.  I just need to add some length to it and it will be done.
It is mostly picked clean.

It wasn't completely bare yet though.
This picture was taken from under it.

 Currently reading: Quiet, by Susan Cain. 
Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Really Love the shadow and light pics. And the animal tracks. So exciting to see!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...