Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Yesterday's News

  Last night, after the blog was written, midnight was close, and I was preparing for sleep. I realized that I was about 400 steps away from 20,000 for the day.   That is why I didn't get right to sleep, I paced until I got those last steps in for the day.  Another thing I realized is that all my photos hadn't backed up.  When I think back on my day to write this blog I look over the things I have taken pictures of.  Yesterday I took pictures of a bird so that I could identify it later, then forgot.

The northern flicker.

When I first saw this bird from a distance I thought of a mourning dove, then looked again and decided that it was built almost nothing like a mourning dove.  This bird has brought up some distant memory of my father and a flicker.  I imagine that he was probably pointing one out to me.  Those are happy things that got missed on yesterday's blog.  Here are some happy things for today:

  • After mowing more of the lawn today I took some time and pulled out my bottle of spiced sekanjabin.  Here is a recipe for a mint sekanjabin.  This bottle was a gift when I stepped into the role of Baroness over two years ago.  It got misplaced for a little while, then I probably went through a quarter of the bottle, then about half the bottle last summer.  This leaves about a quarter of the bottle that the sugar has crystalized, but it is still delicious.  I tried soaking the bottle in hot water today to loosen it some.  Tomorrow I will just add water since it is a concentrate.

  • Earlier in the spring I planted a raspberry bush that has done nothing.  The wild ones on the property seem to be doing alright though.  I expect that the birds will get them before I do, I'm okay with that, this year.  
Little raspberries are growing.
  • I was lamenting with Keziah about an exchequer issue I have been having.  She doesn't exchequer.  She claims that spreadsheets break when she looks at them.  This issue though, she understood my frustration and made sure I knew it.  It is nice when my daughter 'gets me.'  It doesn't always happen. 

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan

Thanks for checking in, stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. We have a small patch of wild raspberries on our property (black raspberries, specifically) and although I'm sure the birds and chipmunks snack on them, there are always plenty for us to enjoy a bowlful or two as well. I hope the same goes for yours!


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...