Wednesday, June 16, 2021


 According to Blogger, the FollowByEmail widget by Feedburner will be discontinued in July.  Anyone who currently receives the blog by email will need to go to the feed to read this blog.  I keep trying to learn more but so far my attempts are coming up empty.  That is not a happy thing, but here are a couple from today: 

  • Summer is almost here and there are so many green things!  Some of them were pulled today.  That is what happens when plants grow in places that other plants are wanted.  The following plants were identified using Google Lens.

  • Fairly certain that the east side of the fence is now done.  By done I mean that the netting we put to heighten the low garden fence is now sewn onto the garden fence or pinned to the ground.  The north part is done except for a gate and some of both the other two sides are done, just not all.  It is getting there.
  • Breakfast for dinner today, made by Keziah, was scrambled eggs and cream of wheat.  Love breakfast for dinner!

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thank you for reading, stay safe.

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