Friday, June 18, 2021

Friday at the Park

 Today my early morning was used cleaning my room up a little.  There is more to go, but a few things that I had forgotten were in there cluttering are out.  The best part is that I did this sorting and going up and downstairs without waking anyone else in the house.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • Walking with a friend and her grandchild.  We were on the trail a little after eight this morning.  The more leisurely pace with a four year old was just what I needed today.
  • There was a small section of trail littered with white flowers.  Looking up, these flowers had fallen from a catalpa tree.  My friend's grandchild carried a flower a little way along our walk.  When I was a young girl, the neighbor's house had a large catalpa tree in the yard that I loved to look at in the spring.
Catalpa tree.
  • We sat and rested on one side of Dorr's Pond and I noticed a beaver swimming among the lily pads.
In this picture, look for the ripples from the wake.
The beaver is among the lily pads creating the wake.
  • There was a momma duck with three little ones swimming in the stream leaving the pond.  Sometimes it is just wonderful to see these things through the eyes of a child.
The momma is much easier to see than the little ones.  
I'm not sure what causes the orange foam.
  • After the park I went and visited with my aunt.  When we saw each other on Monday she had mentioned that there were a lot of paperwhite flowers (Narcissus) in her yard and I asked if I could have some.  She asked me to come down and get them so now I have a clump of bulbs to plant, but maybe not until the end of summer.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thank you for visiting, stay safe.

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