Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 The work days are ten hours long.  When I get home I am hot and tired.  I am going to look harder for things at work that are happy things.  Today there are a couple:

  • Today I was placed in a different row.  It felt like a completion of training row.  The job I do for the first part of the day, sorting, I like better than the last part, picking.  
  • I seem to have finished training for picking too.  I had some help today when the cart I was assigned had a deadline. Most of the people are friendly.
  • My first paycheck came in the mail yesterday and I deposited it today after work.  It was mostly the bonus I got for having had my covid 19 vaccine before starting work.  
  • Keziah is super fantastic and went to the grocery store for me today so I could shower and sleep.  I still need to sleep.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thanks for reading, stay safe.

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