Thursday, June 10, 2021

Part of the Balancing Act

 While working outside this morning I had a thought about what I might write, so I wrote down some key words, "The ability to sustain and create."  At whatever time in the morning this was, I knew exactly what I meant.  It was brilliant.  Okay, maybe not brilliant, but I had ideas.  The more I read over what I wrote, the more I think I was going to talk about balance.  

Today I delved into a project in the garden that was hard and took a lot of time.  It was part of the continuing fight I am having getting the fence set up the way I want it.  I kept digging too deep, literally, and this added more and more time onto the project.  The end result is that I didn't finish, I came close.  

I pulled roots and rocks out of the dirt.
I buried part of the netting to make it harder,
in that section, for critters to come in.

I started to feel overheated, even though the temperatures were much cooler today than they have been.  Shoveling dirt, sifting dirt, and pulling out rocks and roots will do that.  So I got to a stopping point and cleaned up.  This was creating.  On the way inside I noticed the roses.  It is hard not to, their smell wafts through the area when going to the door.  I got my heavy duty gloves on and pruning shears and deadheaded the rose bushes.  This was sustaining.  

That is the balancing act that I am working on with the gardens.  This balance will be skewed more when I start work on the 22nd of June.  I strive for more sustaining and less creating.  I want the fence and netting to just be done and the dirt prepared so I can plant all the things that are starting to get root bound.  Then I want to be able to concentrate more on sustaining.  I have known this, I just needed to put it better into words.  I am happy with today's progress.  Here are other happy things for today:

  • For the second time this week I got out for a walk with a friend.  We have a mutual former coworker that is retiring and we were asked to make a little video for them.  My friend and I decided to do it together.  
Chipmunk that stopped to pose a moment for the camera.

Ducks we saw along our walk.

  • A few weeks ago we started watching Doctor Who with Zed's mom.  Tonight she came up and we watched the second episode.  We are a bit behind, I am anyway, they are rewatching because they forgot.  I like the female Doctor.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thanks for reading, stay safe.

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