Thursday, June 3, 2021

Bird Day

 It has been a long day in which I woke up way before I wanted.  I've decided to play it like I will get the job and prepare myself for the third shift.  It will be a three day work week, about ten hours a day.  Well, night and morning.  I've wanted a three day work week for a while, let's hope I like the schedule as much as I think I will.  Thinking about this as I sat on my hammock swing today I imagined how nice it might be to sleep outside during warm summer days.  Then a helicopter flew over and motorcycles zoomed by.  I'm currently in a how-this-will-effect-my-home-life frame of mind rather than a what-will-the-job-be-like frame of mind.  Daydreaming and the following are my happy things for today:

  • I've been trying to come up with names for the different yard areas we have.  I'm having a hard time coming up with anything original.  Where the pool was, the yard by the garden, aren't really names I was hoping for.  Even 'relaxation grove' doesn't quite hit the spot for me.  I'll have to discuss it with the family later.  What I am realizing though, is that ruminating seems to be a happy thing for me today.
  • The blueberry and strawberry plants have netting over them finally.  It took some time and mistakes were made, but I think it will work.

Strawberries and blueberries covered.
  • The birds have been enjoying perching on the frame before I got the net up.  They seem to still perch there and I haven't noticed them trying to get in yet.  👍
  • While observing the netting and sitting in the hammock swing I had some robins get fairly close while looking for food.

A pretty pair.

  • The deer are getting into the garden.  At least I think it was deer.  We haven't finished the fence yet.  The tops of about half the peas are gone.  I did a quick covering of those with netting too.  It will become part of the fence, but for now I hope it will do.  On one of the plants that didn't get the top chomped off there is a flower.
I planted two different types
and don't remember which this is.

  • Earlier this week when I was pulling up bittersweet I thought I might be near a bird nest.  Today, I might have found it.  I was getting ready to pull more of the autumn olive tree away and there it was.
Fairly sure it was built after the tree came down.

  • Also pretty sure a hawk flew overhead.  
It was being chased by another bird.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thanks for reading, stay safe.

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