Monday, June 14, 2021

Small Road Trip

 For some reason whenever it rains I am doing something else so I don't end up staying inside to clean my room.  Today that something else was driving with my aunt to a small town about 55 miles from my home.  She has a niece who lives there and she wanted someone to go with her for the drive.  The rain was off and on and I took very few pictures.  

We also are a travel stop spot for friends who live in Pennsylvania that are traveling between there and  Maine and they were here when I got home.  Getting to spend time with people is a happy thing for today.  Other happy things include:

  • My aunt and I took a detour on the way back and drove through a town I lived in when I was very young.  We were able to find one of the houses I lived in back then.  It was neat to find this house that I lived in around 50 years ago and remember little things about living there.
  • We saw some birds on our road trip today.  There was a momma duck and her ducklings crossing the street.  Also walking in the road somewhere was a bird I can't quite identify.  My first thought was a partridge because it had the little thing on its head that reminded me of the Partridge Family.  However, when I try to search it up I get too many birds that don't look like what we saw as well as other options.  There was also a raven on the side of the road picking up something to eat.
  • All the time visiting and driving meant taking a walk after dinner to get my step count in.  Yesterday marked ten months of getting at least 10,000 steps every day.  That streak did not end today.  I took an evening walk in the light misty rain.  The house down the street had goats out that bleated loudly as I walked by.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thank you for reading, stay safe.

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