Saturday, June 5, 2021


 As I write this, the family and some friends are outside setting off fireworks.  I'm happy to be inside, away from the fireworks.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • The other half of the garden has a deer fence around it.  We finished getting it up as the heat of the day was starting to get oppressive.  It still needs work, and a door, but only so much could be accomplished today.  
Zed and Keziah helped set up the fence.
  • While Gideon was cleaning the cat litter boxes, we found a new gopher hole going under the fence and into the garden.  Timing was good.  The litter got put into the hole and I am hopeful the gopher will move out.  
  • Wildflowers are blooming.


  • Zed and Gideon were a matching pair today.

  • Fire.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Thanks for being part of my happy list.  Stay safe.

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