Wednesday, June 9, 2021


In my pursuit to rearrange my sleep schedule, this morning went a little better than yesterday.  I was out of bed by 4:30 AM and wasn't quite as tired when I awoke as I was yesterday.  My midday nap happened later than I hoped, but I had no problem falling asleep.  The hot and humid weather only made it a little harder to stay asleep.  So far I am pleased with how the sleep routine change is going.  Other things I am happy about today:

  • My back has been giving me some problems since weeding so much on Monday.  I set a time limit for how long to pull them today.  There are so many that I know I will never be able to keep up with them.  Last year I painted some rocks, as did Keziah, and I was given one from a friend.  I set them out onto the triangle.
Someday I hope to have many rocks, painted or not,
to adorn this area along with flowers.

  • Behind the butterfly weed a yellow primrose has bloomed.
Yellow Evening Primrose.
  • The yellow foxgloves are also blooming.  It turns out that some plants that I thought were foxgloves, aren't.  It is really easy to tell the difference now that some is blooming.
Yellow Foxglove.

  • The other concentration of my efforts in the garden was to recreate some of the irrigation system that I have been working on.  I am pleased to say that I have successfully put together a series of regular hoses with the soaker hoses.  I still have to move around the main hose between areas, but it is much more -set it and forget- than before.  One of my purchase goals after I have a job will be to pick up some timers so the garden gets watered without me having to remember.
  • It looks like there will be more strawberries in the next few days!
There are some showing signs on other plants too.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.
    I finally finished this book today!  Full of information and aimed for children I thought I would have found more time to read it and get through it faster.  

Thanks for reading and stay safe.

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