Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Heat is On

 Writing is hard.  Some days words flow from my fingers and others they do not.  With my new work schedule all my routines are strange.  So strange that it is 2:20 in the afternoon, I am writing before I go to sleep, and I feel like only half a day has gone by.  Things have happened though and I am happy to have these happy things to write about:

  • Since I have not been able to completely close up the garden yet, I put a few of the plants into larger pots for now, rather than the ground.  They are also still inside the house, albeit the porch, so much closer to the elements.  I'm not sure when I will get to work on the fence again, things are rather busy right now.  Yay!  Some of the plants have more room to grow.  I also remembered to fertilize some of the plants.

  • The area is under a heat advisory now.  Instead of meeting at a park, my friend, Amy, and I went to the mall to get in some solid stepping.  My step goal was reached, great conversation, and Amy reminded me of some very important SCA things that are coming up.
  • With the heat advisory and sleep during the day, the portable AC is now in my room.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Thanks for reading.  Stay safe.

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