Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Happy September!

 When work offered to let people go home early today I jumped at the chance.  I was tired and felt like I should be doing things at home.  On the way out, an employee told me that another employee spoke highly of the work I have been doing.  They think I am a hard worker.  I do work hard.  I was told that I was working quickly today too.  I wish I felt like I was doing as well as people are saying.  That is a me thing though, I need to work on accepting compliments.  Other things I am happy about today include:

  • Although I felt like I should be doing things at home, when I got home I took my steel toed shoes off and plopped in front of the TV.  I am not sorry that I did this.  😁
  • A few days ago Keziah noticed a change in some moles.  She made an appointment to have them looked at and there is nothing cancerous about them.  Woohoo!!
  • It is September.  Autumn is coming!  I'm not looking forward to winter, but yes to the fall.
  • It has taken over two months of working and having insurance but I FINALLY made the call and have an appointment to get my eyes examined and new glasses.  Hopefully my old glasses won't fall apart before then.  🤓
My one photo from today.
It's the moon, I wasn't very still.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.


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