Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Happy Michaelmas!

 The timeline beginning last night went something like this: 

  1. Wake up randomly and look at my phone.  
  2. See a message from work and read it.
  3. Someone has Covid but their last day of work was September 27, my first day this week was the 28th.
  4. I go back to sleep.
  5. My alarm goes off at 11:00 PM and my nose is all stuffed up.  I've had an occasional scratchy throat that I figure was allergies for a few days.
  6. After doing a few things to figure out my next steps I decide that taking a personal day is best.
  7. Made an appointment for a rapid test at CVS for 9:50 AM.
  8. Stay awake all night binge watching on Netflix.
  9. After the appointment I drive around for about two hours, exploring, before going to the Oak Hill Fire Tower to get my steps in.
  10. After about an hour wandering around, checking my messages about every ten minutes, I finally got the results-Negative.  Yay!
I must say that I really didn't think the test would be positive, I've been forgetting to take my allergy meds, but I feel a lot better having taken the test.  Other happy things for today:

  • Part of the morning was spent driving around looking for the property from afar.  Eventually I found a spot, pulled over and took some pictures.
Somewhere on that distant hill is our property.
I expected it to be more noticable,
but things have grown this year.

  • I walked past the fire tower initially and traveled on some of the trails to a scenic vista.
This is where I was when I got the negative results.

  • The view from the top of the fire tower was beautiful, as usual.

Proof I was there.  😉
  • There were the usual chipmunks, squirrels, sparrows, and large birds from afar that I couldn't identify.  I also saw three garter snakes on different parts of the trail.
Only a chipmunk stuck around long enough
for a picture.  I'm happy with
how close the camera zooms.
  • My meal before bed included a small amount of a goose dish that Keziah picked up from some friends yesterday.  This fulfills my Michaelmas Day requirement.  I am thankful for friends.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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