Sunday, September 12, 2021


Today, my dad's birthday, marks seven years since my youngest, Bel, and I started our hike up Mount Washington.  We got as far as the Lake of the Clouds Hut where we spent the night.  We summited the mountain the next day.  There were spectacular views that included lenticular clouds and the Aurora Borealis.  Such a happy memory.  I think my dad would have been happy for me to have hiked to the top.  Happy things for today include:

  • Returning three boxes of stuff to the owner.  I had sorted things out during Lent when I tried to do some downsizing.  Now those boxes are out of my life.  It is a baby step, but a good one.
  • My friend, Amy, and I met for a walk along a rail trail.  It was a nice visit.  We are trying to plan a hike to one of the Fire Towers.
This is along part of the Londonderry Rail Trail in NH.

  • Fall is starting to show its colors.

Currently reading: Backpacking: A Hedonist’s Guide, by Rick Greenspan and Hal Kahn.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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