Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Silly Smiles

 It wasn't a good day at work.  I stumbled with boxes and missed them coming down the line and made a mess.  Eventually they had me swap places with the person who was down the line from me (they were trying to help me while I was having problems).  They fixed it all up and I had less items to deal with.  I am very grateful for all the help I got today at work.  I'm happy I only work a three day week!  Other things I am happy for:

  • After lunch I started to drift off to sleep.  I tried not to, but the call was strong.  Gideon came and sat next to me on the couch and snuggled up.  He let me know it was okay if I fell asleep.  He doesn't know it, but he broke the spell and I couldn't get to sleep after that.  We snuggled for a bit and then I took pictures of us.  I love my grandson!

Tongue curling.


  • From our spot on the couch in the living room, we had a clear view of Winston asleep in the dining room.  
He's so cute there!
  • The SD card for the wildlife camera has finally made it back to the camera.  It accidentally went through the wash but seems to be working now.  Phew!  
  • While taking the walk to replace the SD card, there were bees, so I had to take their picture. 
New England aster and a bee.

Currently reading:  The backpacking book I have been reading has taken a hike and I finished this month's part of the homesteading book.  Instead I dusted off Mount Washington A Guide and Short History by Peter E. Randall.  It was published in 1983, so there won't be any recent history.  So far I have only read the pre-stuff part of the book.  

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.  

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