Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Tree Pruning

By working outside in the yard and following that up with a walk with friends, I managed to get over 20,000 steps again today(over 22,000 actually).  Tomorrow, Keziah and I are going to visit some friends.  This may mean a great deal of pacing to get the 10,000.  Considering how tired I feel right now, that is a good thing.  Other things that I am happy for today:

  • More raking, weeding and mulching is done.  I didn't finish the section I started today but I made a bunch of progress.  Last year I allowed too much grass to grow in with the flowers and this year I have much pulling to do.  Having the mulch is making it more rewarding to get the weeds out.  I'm not sure exactly why that is, but I'll take it.  😊
  • After lunch I suggested to Keziah that we prune the fruit trees.  We took a few branches off Marjorie, the peach tree.  Tucker, the cherry tree, needs a chain saw so we left that for later.  We borrowed a chain saw for the job, but that will be another day.  Then we went to the apple trees.  We haven't named them yet.  There are at least three apple trees off in a corner of the property, past the garden.  We cut, raked,weed wacked and cut some more.  There is/was an autumn olive tree tangled up with one of the apple trees.  We removed as much of that as we could without the chain saw. 
I think this is from one of the apple trees.

Here is an in progress picture with Keziah cutting.
The branches in the foreground are from
 the tree behind her and to the left.

This is after we gave up for the day.
There are at least two very large parts of the autumn olive tree
that we weren't able to separate from the tree yet.
The apple tree will be getting so much more light now!
  • I met some friends in Nashua in the late afternoon for a walk.  Our walk through part of the Mine Mills Park was a little over two miles.  We walked along a canal, through wooded areas and by the Nashua River.  It is a very scenic area.  

Overlooking The Cove.

This wet, furry, creature could be a beaver, but I think it was a muskrat.
The camera didn't catch the tail, but from the angle I 
was at, it didn't seem like a beaver tail.

I don't know what kind of bird that was.
It posed there for me though, that was nice.


The trail had markers along it with numbers and a letter,
This one is rather chewed into.

This marker is only a little chewed on.
I wonder what is eating them?
  • Spending time socially distancing with friends is great.  In a month or so we will all be vaccinated and it will be even better.

Currently listening to: Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your muskrat id - it's a bit hard to judge scale, but looks smaller than beaver. And I think your bird is a cormorant. Mine Mills Park looks nice, we'll have to check it out later in the year after Shadow is (hopefully) back to being mobile again.


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...