Saturday, April 17, 2021

Tired Kind of Day

 Five thirty in the morning is too early for someone who is unemployed to wake up without a reason.  I had some good momentum this morning and got my taxes done and a few other things before I conked out for a nap.  It was a quiet day.  There was a mixture of rain and snow so I stayed in all day.  All my steps were walking around the house.  Other than the taxes getting done and a nap my happy things for today are: 

  • We were able to meal plan today and make chicken soup for dinner.  The bones were cooked in the crock pot last night and the soup today.  Dinner was early enough that we were able to watch a movie.  Yay!
  • Friday is Minecraft night with TF.  
  • Gideon had some extra energy.  He didn't just stay in the house though like I did.  Last week we watched Singin' in the Rain, so Gideon pulled out an umbrella and went outside to sing in the rain.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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