Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Easter!

 It would seem that I am going to have a hard time reintegrating myself with society.  It has been over a year since the pandemic began, but only about six months since I had a job and spent time with many people.  I've always been an introvert, but I could tolerate large crowds and found ways to manage them for myself.  Today we went to Zed's parents for Easter.  There were a total of thirteen people.  We stayed outside in a spacious yard other than to get food.  It was still difficult for me.  I went for a walk (1.4 miles) so that I could be by myself for a little bit.  Walking one or two people would have been fine, but it was easier to quietly go.  So I have learned that seeing people again will be a process and today was the first step in that process.  I know that this step had to happen.  It would have been harder with my family as it would have been a larger group.  It was hard, but I am glad I did it.  Other things I am happy about:

  • On the walk, I went by a street with a bluebird perched on the street sign.  It flew away quickly, flapping that magnificent shade of blue.  The street name was Finch Circle.
  • On the way home, I asked the family to stop at the walking bridge that goes over the Merrimack River and runs by the train tracks.  I didn't think that Gideon had been there before and it is a short walk over and back (.35 miles). 

  • The cats missed us when we were gone.  
I missed the shot where Winston 
was rubbing his head into Zed's.
  • Candy.

We edited and uploaded the last of the videos for downsizing during Lent.  I'm going to take some time to regroup and work in the yard and garden.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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