Sunday, April 25, 2021

Rest Day

 This is the second day in a row that I attempted, and failed, to sleep in.  I woke up with a fair amount of muscle and bone ache.  Thankfully it was supposed to rain so I did not feel impelled to go outside and do more work in the yard.  The last two days much was accomplished.  After moving around the house a little and some minor stretching the aches and pains mostly subsided.  For this I am happy.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • In SCA news- there is a piece of weaving that I have been working on for a while and finished a few weeks ago.  The next step with this was to sew it onto a favor.  After that I had to sew the favor itself back together.  Today I completed that last step.  The only thing left to do is to put it into the mail with a little note of thanks for the person.  This is for a person who did great things at a remote event last year.  
I did the weaving, someone else the embroidery.
  • There are a bunch of tabs open on my browser.  Sometime tomorrow or Tuesday I hope to apply for some of the jobs that are waiting on those tabs.  
  • Before dinner I remembered to set up the wildlife camera out back.  This is the first time, so I may have messed it up.  I'm looking forward to seeing some of the critters that visit our little brook.

Currently listening to: Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer.

Stay safe.

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