Monday, April 12, 2021


 To my pleasant surprise, some of the zinnia we planted the other day are already sprouting.  I'm hoping that this year the things I plant will grow better than last year.  

Just two or three so far.
Trust me, they are there.
Other things I am happy about today:
  • This gorgeous tree is out by a nearby art school.  
It might be a magnolia,
I'm not sure.
  • Cats are adorable as they sit by the door watching the birds go by.

  • On Saturday we noticed some bluets were out.  I found more today.  If my memory is correct, Mom and her sister used to call them pissabeds.

  • Sometimes walking through the back property I see something and notice something new about it.  There is a rotting stump that I am sure has been there all along but today it looked different.  The angle I saw it from maybe gave it a different appearance.  I decided to take a closer look.  It turns out that it was once part of a fence.
It was the different shapes that caught my eye.

Getting closer I realized that it was not
 a completely natural formation.
It is possible that it is a fence pole or
a tree that grew around the parts of a fence
or a tree used as a fence that grew around the parts where the wire is.
There is wire coming out of it and it is 
rotting in interesting ways.

  • Soon there will be more green.

Currently listening to: Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer.

Stay safe.


  1. Lol, my Mom always feels the need to tell me that my grandmother called Bluets "pissabeds", too. 😄

  2. According to the internet, pissabed is the term used for dandelions and other plants-such as the bluet-that were used as diuretics. Isn't it nice to know that the term is more widely used than just our family? :D

  3. Diuretics, hahah no wonder they called them pissabed


Happy New Year's Eve!

 Here it is, my final blog of the year.  2021 has been a long year.  I wrote a little personal review of my year and posted it in my Odds an...