Wednesday, April 21, 2021

National Tea Day (Britain)

 It has been just over a month since I purchased the external hard drive and was able to backup my photos from my phone (other than the cloud).  I know this because my phone is full again and I have just backed up more photos.  There are so very many pictures that I take that never make it here or anywhere else.  I am so glad that I got that hard drive.  Other happy things for today:

  • I noticed that my tax refund was in my bank account.
  • Keziah and I went shopping today and I found shoes.  My sneakers and hiking shoes have both been falling apart.  I have new sneakers that I will start wearing tomorrow.  I also got a pair of sandals that I hope are made for walking.  I still need to replace the hiking shoes.  I'm planning on a trip to REI for those next week.  
  • There were trees blossoming in the store parking lot.

  • I took the day off of major gardening and yard work.  Hopefully my body has healed a little from all the bending, raking, etc that I have been subjecting it to.
  • There was a thunder storm followed by the sun appearing lower on the horizon as evening drew near.  I went out and saw a rainbow.  I tried to take a picture but the camera phone didn't quite capture it.
There was a rainbow, really.
  • Between the rains, I went for a walk.  The air was fresh and cool.
  • The cats are getting along.

Currently reading: The Burgess Book of Nature Lore, by Thornton W. Burgess.

Stay safe.

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