Sunday, April 11, 2021


 It turns out that staying up late playing Minecraft with TF last night and spending most of the day outside today makes me very tired.  Just when TF and I were getting ready to close up our games for the night, an opportunity presented itself and we ended up playing for about another two hours.  It was fun and happened after midnight, so counts for a happy thing for today.  Other happy things are:

  • The daffodils and forsythia are blooming.

  • A person we know from the SCA came over today to give us a consultation on some of our plantlife.  She showed us the best ways to prune the fruit trees and then we had a lovely walk on the property and visited for quite a while outside.  She may have convinced Zed to get rid of most of the autumn olive trees and some of the Norway maples.  A few others as well.  She agrees that the witch tree is most likely an oak.  

  • After she left I took a nap.
  • I walked around the property again later by myself.  This time I walked the two loops for about a mile distance.  It is almost time to bring the lawn mower or weed wacker back there.  I had the GoPro with me and took a short video with some distant birdsong and traffic.  
  • Two more friends visited in the evening.  It was great to see everyone.  
This was supposed to be the skyline, 
but there is the bonus of one of our visitors.

  • During the day some of the tree buds opened.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan.

Stay safe.

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