Saturday, April 10, 2021

Small bits of Productivity

 My brain or body isn't where I need it to be to get up early to get outside now that the weather is getting warmer.  I still want to stay inside until I think it is warmer.  By then, it is way warmer and the first part of my day has not been productive.  Tomorrow we have someone coming by around ten.  That means I have to be motivated, right?  The productive things that kept me happy today are:

  • The roses are now more raked out.  I'm going to have to get in there to pull out a bunch by hand.  That is an early morning job with long sleeves.  Oddly, I am looking forward to it.  I'll prune the roses at the same time.
  • Gideon helped me, for a few minutes, in planting some zinnia seeds.

  • I cleaned up another six or eight feet of the area beside the garden that I have been working on.

It looks much better in real life.
If we get that far, this will become a 
pathway with grapes growing over it,
like an arbor.
  • There was a nice walk (about two miles) to finish my outdoor time.  

Currently listening to: Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer.

Stay safe.

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