The downsizing for Lent challenge that Zed and I have been doing is over. Well, the recording part, there is still a bunch of editing. Zed and I had a long talk about what the next steps should be. I still have a bunch of boxes. It has been 46 days of going through boxes and finding places to put things and get rid of at least one thing from that box. When I wanted to keep everything, I worked on another box. I think that only happened once. It has been challenging and fun, but this week -at least the end of it- has been overwhelming. Tomorrow, Easter, there is no plan to go through a box. Zed and I are planning to continue on some level until my boxes are sorted and I have less stuff. This coming week though will be a regrouping. I don't want to lose the momentum, but I also don't want to completely burn out. When we started this I feel that I was mostly on top of the things I normally do. The last week or two things have started to slide. The pile of boxes in my bedroom has grown because I have put trash or recycling in boxes and then left them in my room instead of taking care of them. After a week of playing catch up and cleaning I will get back to the boxes. I am so thankful for the friends who suggested getting rid of things for Lent. Other things I am
happy for today:
- Today was National Find a Rainbow Day. It is all about finding beauty, hope, or wellness. My kind of day. Here is more information on the holiday.
- For the month of April I joined with a group of people to do a pilgrimage. We each log how much we walk and see how many miles we can do. I went on a short walk around the property today, only three fourths of a mile. I decided to cut through places that have no path again. The little brook was babbling so I stopped for a moment to listen.
- Standing still I can listen. The sounds of cars and children playing fade toward the back and what comes forward are the bird song and dried leaves rustling as the breeze carries them to somewhere new.
- The cats are getting along today and they are super cute.
- The geraniums are starting to look like geraniums and not just leaves popping through soil.
I know it is hard to see, but some leaves are getting the right shape to grow into a geranium. |
Currently reading:
The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.
Stay safe.
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