Saturday, April 3, 2021


 If my parents had some kind of shady past that they kept receipts for, I feel like I would have found them with this last box I went through.  Mom kept pretty much everything when it came to receipts and cards and mail.  In my case, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.  If I ever had any doubt that I was my mother's child, that would be gone too.  I now have some of the hospital receipts from her stay when I was born.  I found some for one of my brothers, but not the other.  It is quite possible that I just missed them.  Had my birthday not caught my eye as I was going through the papers, I wouldn't have seen mine to save it.  Will I continue to save it?  No.  It is currently with things to keep, but I plan to go through many things again and scan or photograph them and then get rid of the paper.  Having this box behind me is huge.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • Keziah and I reorganized the piles of boxes that I still need to go through--again.  I touched almost every single one this time.  There are only a couple more that I expect to be horrible like the one I just finished.  We did a sort-books, craft, photos/genealogy, and misc.  The craft and photos/genealogy are going to stay where they are for a bit.  Ideally we are going through the book boxes tomorrow for the last official day of downsizing.  After at least one day off (Easter) I am going to try to continue doing a box a day.  It feels good to have a little more of a plan for which boxes to go through next.
Today before the sort.

Today after the sort.

  • Watching the cats play on the toys that Keziah has purchased and built for them.
Nanni and Winston.
  • Before dinner I took a nice walk out back and around the yard, about 1.6 miles.
  • The garlic is starting to come up.

  • There are shades of green starting to show.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from today.

  • It is Minecraft night.  

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Stay safe.

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