Monday, April 19, 2021

Garden Stuff

 According to Map My Run, I worked in the yard and garden for six hours and 46 minutes today.  I turned on the app to get an idea of how much moving I really do when I am working outside.  It turns out that was 3.7 miles this time.  Some of that time I was sitting and pulling weeds.  But I also raked, shoveled, used the pitchfork, cut branches and small trees, moved branches and small trees, used the wheel barrow to remove weeds and leaves and branches and possibly more things.  It was a busy day.  Here are other things I am happy for today:

  • Keziah and I worked together part of the day with the trees and branches.  We maybe enjoy pulling and cutting bittersweet too much.
  • Some of the buds on trees are getting bigger and opening.
Tucker, the cherry tree.

Okay, these 'leaves' are out all year.
The little pine cones aren't though.

From a Norway maple tree.
  • While in the garden I tried to identify a plant using two different apps on my phone.  The apps failed.  Tonight, sitting here I tried again and this time I think it is correct.  Much of this plant was pulled from the garden.
Ground ivy.  It is kind of pretty, but very invasive
according to the internet.
  • What was most likely a night crawler came out of the soil I was pulling weeds from.  It was probably eight inches or longer.  I'm really loving the amount of worms I am seeing this year.
  • There were some passing sprinkles today which meant the sky had some pretty cloud formations.

  • Zed was nice and made a quick dinner tonight after Boy Scouts.  It should have been my night to cook but I forgot and was too tired to think about food by the time I came in.
  • There was left-over peppermint stick ice cream for me in the freezer for dessert.

Currently reading: The Backyard Homestead Seasonal Planner, by Ann Larkin Hansen.

Stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmmmm peppermint stick Ice cream. Mmmmmmmmm.....wishes from Texas!


Happy New Year's Eve!

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