Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Plant Life

 It was Gideon's day to have friends over.  It was good to see him be able to have masked, outside interactions with other children.  We are all trying to work our way back into society and relearning how to be social.  I still seem to be okay with one on one things, but add other people -other than those in the household- and I start feeling overwhelmed.  Other than having these occasional small gatherings, I am not sure what else to do.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • One of the children, a younger sibling of Gideon's friend, visited with me while I was repotting some of the geraniums.  They checked to see that the ruler I had was the same as one they had at home by counting the numbers to twelve.   They dug in the dirt to help plant things.  It was good.
  • What I thought was a dead animal in the woods seems to instead be some kind of moss?  I found this one clump that was black and hairy looking.  Once Zed and I determined that it was most likely some kind of plant we started noticing similar bumps all over the place.  I'm glad we didn't find an animal.  My online searches eventually pulled up an older New Hampshire Garden Solutions blog which then led me to believing that this is a cushion moss.  I have very faint memories of this type of moss when I was a kid-but green, not black and seemingly decaying.

This one had some of the pale green
that makes it look more like moss.
  • Some more of the cultivated flowers are starting to open.

  • I saw bumblebees.

Currently listening to: Too Like the Lightning, by Ada Palmer.

Stay safe.

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