Friday, October 1, 2021


 Hearing the dog, Aesop, whine is what pulled me out of bed this morning.  It didn't keep me from going back to my room to get warm under the covers and avoid doing the long list of things to do that I had just created.  There were seventeen items on that list.  I had hoped to get through a bunch of them, or at least start some of the projects.  As the day draws to a close, I am happy that I took my time this morning.  Other happy things:

  • Just when I was about to get up and motivate myself, I got a call from Keziah.  She wanted to go to the Spirit Halloween store with Gideon and would I like to go?  This motivated me out of my warm bed and to the store.  I'm not a big Halloween person.  When I was a paraeducator there was a student who LOVED Spirit Halloween.  These memories and wondering how they are doing now are a happy thing for today.

  • Thinking of that student prompted me to text someone from the school and we texted a bit about school and my new job and would I ever go back into education.  A week ago I would have answered no.  Today I am very much undecided.  It was great to communicate with them again.
  • We did more shopping after that and I was able to find a pair of jeans that fit.  My size seems to be popular and is seldom in stock.  Yesterday, I found a worn spot on the jeans I was wearing so replacements are in order.  I also found some pajamas that I like.  I'll be getting rid of some old clothes to make room for these.  
  • After getting home and having lunch, I started on my list.  I managed to get through seven of the seventeen items.  Yay!
  • Keziah found a sweater for Aesop with a llama on it.  I tried to take a picture but he is a very active dog.
The llama is wearing star sunglasses and
the top says, "Stargazer."
He doesn't seem to mind wearing dog clothes.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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