Wednesday, October 13, 2021

More Roses

 If I have the year right, today is the 65th anniversary of when my parents were married.  I just needed to put that out there into the universe.  Thanks, reader, for being part of that universe.

It has been a long day and I should be sleeping by now.  I will try for a short list of my happy things:

  • Yesterday I blogged about having two roses on the bush in the front of the house. Today I found another! I'm not sure how I missed it yesterday.
A rose by the snow shovel.

  • Over the weekend I planted some flowers in what I call the triangle. I only cleared and planted in a small area. Today I took a small amount of time to tear up some more of the weeds there. It wasn't much, but if I do it a little at a time, hopefully I won't feel so overwhelmed.

I uncovered parts of the driveway...

  • We live on about fourteen acres and, not surprisingly, most of it doesn't get attention. One of the places that I don't tend to get to very often may be surprising, the front yard. It is neglected. Even when I get there to mow, there is a hill that I have a hard time taking care of and I let it go this summer. I decided to walk around front and check out the plants there. I was thrilled to find the butterfly plant with seed pods open and looking beautiful. I collected some seeds to plant… somewhere, later.
The butterfly plant and milkweed are part of the same family.

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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