Monday, October 11, 2021

No More Hole in the Wall.

 While Zed worked his day job, Keziah and I said goodbye to that space between the inner and outer wall where we have been working.  She and I cut some insulation and plywood and made it fit into the holes we made.  It isn't finished, but the hole is gone.  

This is now the only section of the 
old part of the house that 
we know has at least a little bit of insulation.

Hammer time.

All covered!
Other things that I am happy about today:

  • When I complete a job that, in my older mind was traditionally done by men, the song "I Am Woman," by Helen Reddy, inevitably goes through my head.  It is a song that makes me happy.
  • Aesop and I had a good walk this afternoon.   
He's poking his head into the tall grasses.
  • The foliage by the house is looking great!

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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