Thursday, October 7, 2021

Tired Thursday

 Working three days a week for thirty hours that are not 'normal' hours has me very tired.  Today is one of those days that I just need to remind myself that this is what I wanted for work.  It is active, ten hour days, long weekends, and good benefits.  Tonight I hope to sleep well, tomorrow I am hiking with friends.  Happy things for today are:

  • The stars were bright when I left for work this morning.  I tried to take a picture but they didn't show up well.  Within a mile from the house it was foggy.  Such a difference with just a slight elevation change.
  • There are yellow butterflies that I have been unable to get a picture of, until today.  According to Lens, it is an orange sulphur.
Orange sulphur on a purple clover.

  • The dog, Aesop, was a bit unruly this afternoon.  I suggested we take him to the dog park.  He had a blast playing with the other dogs.  Running and chasing and doing the things dogs do. Aesop burning energy made for happier humans.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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