Saturday, October 16, 2021

A Photo Memory

 The rest of the family has a cold.  It has yet to get me.  Hopefully they will all feel better soon and it will miss me.  Things that I am happy for today are:

  • With a new phone comes new apps or ones that didn't send notifications before that start sending them.  I have photo memories now.  Last year, there was a rose on the bush.

This year, there are roses on the bush.

  • The last few times I have looked at the pictures on the wildlife camera I have been disappointed.  There hasn't been much and I think it is because of the amount of growth over the summer.  I am happy about the growth and I put the camera about a foot higher on the tree.
The camera is also pointed at a
slightly different direction.
  • Some trees are at or past peak fall foliage, others aren't quite there yet.  

  • Zed and I got the tar paper onto the wall and the replacement clapboards were purchased.  If the wall is dry enough we will start putting the boards up tomorrow.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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