Monday, October 4, 2021

Baronial Birthday Oops

 Keziah and I visited a local park with Aesop, the dog, this morning.  It was for walking with a little bit of training.  From some of Aesop's behaviors, we think that the hunting/bird dog part of whatever mixed breed he is, is strong.  He really wants to chase ducks, geese, or turkeys.  

Aesop and some ducks.

It was a nice walk in the park.  Aesop is responding a little better to some of the training we are trying to give him.  Other happy things for today:

  • There are huge Asian aquatic lotus in the pond at the park.  Although they are pretty, according to a Google search, they are also invasive.  I'm glad I got to see them before they go away.

  • Today I went on three walks.  The one at the park, one by myself, and one with Aesop.  Outside can be a good place.
I'm noticing more foliage.
  • For the last few days I have been thinking that the birthday of the Barony was on October 3rd.  Yesterday I looked it up and saw October 4th.  This morning Keziah and I made Facebook posts about the birthday of the founding of the Barony and then someone corrected us, it is really the 3rd.  Then Facebook went down and I have not been able to respond.  So I got a lesson in checking my sources.  I looked at the wrong site to check a date and assumed that my memory must have been off a day.  Guess what?  My memory was correct and that makes me happy!  Yesterday the Barony of Stonemarche turned 34 years old.  Happy Birthday a day late!  In less troubled times, we would have had a small event to celebrate.  I will have to remember to update the site that is wrong over the next few days or find someone else to.
More colors.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.
   -- It is believed that the first people summited Mount Washington in 1642 because the mountain was sacred to the Native Americans and they wouldn't climb it.   

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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