Tuesday, October 5, 2021


 Work was long, especially after not getting enough sleep last night.  I just couldn't fall asleep.  One of the things I tend to do when I get home from work is to take off the steel toed shoes and stretch out my back on my bed sideways, with my legs up against the wall.  Generally I fight the nap that wants to take over, today I didn't.  It was less than an hour nap and allowed me to have enough motivation to do laundry and think about working in the garden.  It also meant that Winston, the orange tabby, could sleep on my pillow.

Instead of working in the garden, I observed some areas and tried to make a game plan in my head.  Then I walked around the yard and some of the property and found my happy place for today.  

I tried growing zinnia, this is one that lived.

I believe these seeds are from wild lettuce.
I love parachute seeds.
Whether or not I like what they produce varies.

We let these black-eyed Susans grow in
the section of yard they chose this year.
They are getting ready for winter.
More in the same area next year would be nice.

This aster plant was the place to go for a bunch of bees.
One could think it was the only flowering plant around!


This sack is really a bunch of
parachute seeds from a thistle.

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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