Thursday, October 14, 2021

Just Some Boxes

After all the boxes I went through over Lent this year I expected (wanted?) it to be easier to get rid of things. I shouldn't have stopped going through boxes because the momentum has passed. That said, Keziah and I (mostly Keziah), went through some boxes today and got rid of things. 

I wish I could say this is the end...

Having worked last night, my energy levels are low. After more sleep, I hope for better results-and less boxes.  Here are some happy things for today:

  • Let us start with some foliage.  There are some beautiful colors in New England now.
The backyard.
  • One of the things found is my doll, Betsy.  I'm ready to say goodbye.  Before throwing her into the donation pile, I asked the friend I gave one of my dolls to over Lent if her granddaughter might want another friend.  She said yes.  This doll is a bit loved, she may change her mind when she sees it.  
Bye, bye, Betsy!

  • We also found a newspaper clipping. I don't remember this... but my picture is there.
That is me, third from the left, holding baby Keziah.

  • Aesop was nice enough to sleep during most of the Spiderman movie we watched.
As long as he is comfy.  🤪
  • Mostly, I want to thank Keziah for putting up with me and all my stuff.  Some days it is easier to get rid of things than others.  Today I was just exhausted.  

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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