Saturday, October 23, 2021

Dune-no spoilers

 It was till the garden day.  We finally rented a machine to turn the garden.  It is later in the season than it probably should have been, but the rotted clapboards on the house was the top priority.  I only used the machine for a few minutes, the rest was all Zed.  He claimed to enjoy the task. 

So much land to till.

Almost done.
It took most of the day.  I'm happy that he did it.  I moved things around, removed rocks, worked in the sheep manure, and stuff like that.  Other happy things for today:

  • Perhaps it was a hawk that flew over?  I'm pretty sure it was a red-tailed hawk.  Whatever, it was fun watching it soar.

  • Zed brought home a pick-axe and shovel from the dump today.  For anyone that plays Minecraft, they know that a pick-axe is a very important tool in the game.  For me, a person who plays Minecraft, it is the one basic Minecraft tool that we didn't already have within the household.  The others being the shovel, hoe, and a regular axe.  And so the joke around here is that we are prepared for the zombie apocalypse now.

  • With a tiller in the van the back had to remain open transport.  This meant that the back-up camera was aimed at the sky.  I liked the view...

  • In the evening, I stepped out of my comfort zone with Keziah and we went to the movies.  We saw the first part of the new Dune movie just released.  I would have been okay waiting to see it at home, except the rest of the family will be seeing it too.  Gideon will not, he will be introduced with a previous version.  This is partially because the current movie is just the first of a two part film series.  There were some gorgeous scenes, and I will leave it at that.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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