Monday, October 25, 2021

Walking in the Rain

 Again, I have stayed awake longer than I should have.  My bedtime on a Monday should have been a little over an hour before sitting down to write this.  It was a rainy day, but there are things-other than rain- to be happy about.  My day started with a walk with Aesop, the dog.  It was raining steadily then, and we didn't walk for long.  It was a good walk though.  Other happy things:

  • Planning out my day this morning I was ready to go dig dirt and plant bulbs in the rain.  It was then that I saw the reminder on my phone about my appointment with the optometrist.  Instead of playing in mud, I woke up Keziah, took a shower, and we headed to the appointment.  They had to dilate my eyes and I wanted Keziah to drive me home.  This was a follow-up exam from six weeks ago and all the tests came back good.  
  • Later in the afternoon Keziah and I took Aesop for a walk on a nearby paved rail trail.  Aesop hasn't been the best behaved lately.  He was doing better though towards the end of the walk.  Progress is good.
  • I was wearing dark sunglasses for the walk because of the earlier dilation of my eyes.  I took a few pictures and just now, looking at them, they came out pretty well.  There was detail missing with my eyes being the way they were, the camera did a good job.

Currently reading: Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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