Tuesday, October 19, 2021

A Short List

 It is way after the time that I should have gone to bed.  Let's just say that the afternoon didn't go as planned... and leave it at that.  My happy list is short, but here it is:

  • The almost full moon shone down brilliantly as I was leaving for work.
There always seems to be a glare...
Maybe someday I will find the time to research that.
  • Keziah noticed the rose today.  Two of the three I posted about previously are basically gone.  Just one fully open now.
  • I went around behind the shed to see the burning bush.  They are considered invasive.  It is on the border of the property so I am not sure who it belongs to.  
It isn't completely flaming yet.  😉

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.
  • Speaking of burning... There are many buildings that have burned down on Mount Washington.  I feel like I should have started a tally.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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