Sunday, October 31, 2021

Roses in the Rain

 As I paced the floor tonight to reach my 10,000 steps a day goal I thought to myself, "Not today.  Today will not be the day that this streak ends."  It has been about fourteen and a half months and I don't want to lose the streak because of laziness or forgetfulness.  So the goal has been reached.  Other things I am happy for today:

  • Last November I set a goal to write for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month) and I wrote over 10,000 words.  To "win" a person should aim at 50,000.  That is a lot of words.  This year my goal is to beat last year, so I am aiming at 11,000.  
  • Keziah is making a gardecorp (medieval clothing) for a friend who will be getting an award at an event next week.  I got to be the mannequin for a few minutes today.  It cast a cool shadow that had us trying to quote from the movie Princess Bride about being the Dread Pirate Roberts.
It didn't photograph well.
  • There are still too many boxes that I need to go through.  I tried today and instead wanted to save it all.  The box is of old newspapers and clippings, mostly from the 1970's.  There was a series of articles in the Manchester Union Leader, "Hometown History," that my mom clipped and saved.  They seem to have been written by George Woodbury.  Some of them are filed in envelopes alphabetically by town.  Others didn't get that far.  This box brought back happy memories of my mom.  I also kind of want to read all the articles.  
  • It has been raining all day.  The roses are beautiful.

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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