Saturday, October 23, 2021

Sun Sets

 Aesop, the dog, keeps trying to give Winston, the orange tabby cat, his rawhide bone.  It doesn't go well.  Winston just gets mad and defensive.  Aesop starts getting anxious because his attempts at friendship are met with anger and aggression.  I have mixed feelings.  It bothers me that Aesop gets anxious and barks a lot to try to get Winston's attention.  It also bothers me that Winston feels that he has to defend himself.  On the other hand-I'm happy that Aesop is trying to make friends and I am happy that Winston wants to protect himself.  Pets...  Things I am happy for today:

  • It has been a few days since I went through one of the boxes that I brought over from being stored last week.  I only went through one of them today.  I didn't empty it, but I did get rid of a bunch of things that were in it.  Most of what is left are pictures and a book and some things to file.  
  • I climbed into the netted area to check out the strawberry plants and the marigold.  A few days ago I noticed that the marigold was broken, as if stomped on.  One of the first things I noticed was a hole, like a chipmunk hole.  I'm not sure what I am going to do about this yet.  I'm glad I have a theory about the breakage and can think about this for next year.

This marigold is so big.
  • With the marigold plant, it is so big I took some clippings to dry and to attempt to propagate.  I also gathered seeds from it.
  • I took a walk with Aesop and got some pictures that I really like.
I love this part of the
conservation area with the birch trees.

Still some color on the property.

Setting sun.

Setting sun.
  • Gideon joined TF and I while we played Minecraft tonight.  It was nice to have another player.  He watches videos on Minecraft all the time and helps us learn about more things.

Currently reading:  Mount Washington A Guide and Short History, by Peter E. Randall.
        People atop the mountain started recording temperatures in the mid 1800's.

Thank you for being part of my happy things. Stay safe.

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